According to quantum science's most basic rule, duality, the Earth is simultaneously a prison and the most beautiful planet.
Here, humans are unaware of good or bad; the choice is ours. It is that simple, though: the more compassionate we are for all living creatures, the more God pardons us when we face him at the end of our spoken lifetime.
The only choice we don't have is to rule our minds without entrance. Therefore, we must choose a side. Humans are simultaneously subjected to the manipulation of malevolent forces and remorseful powers. The choice is ours; we can decide who to belong to, not whether we belong to one.
This was the requirement we faced before we incarnated on Earth. That is why we came here; we longed to know who we are as a drop of a collective. We do this to reach nirvana and finally achieve our highest soul purpose: to reunite with God.
Make no mistakes; although our life is nothing but a dream, we are bound to wake up from it in the afterlife, as this dream shapes our reality as a soul.